Wednesday, December 18, 2013

YOLO Baby!!

I'm easing into this. Making it a little less painless. It's been since July, I believe, since I have posted anything. I now have a virus free computer. And it's 'hands off' for the kids! Forever!! Well except for Ella, she needs it for homework and she's also the virus causing culprit. She can't be trusted.

So even though I've had a billion things going on and/or happen since July it overwhelms me to think about where to start. Actually, if I think about it - Hairspray and Dry Shampoo come to mind. OH so many favorite things I have but I'm not going there today.

I'm going here instead.......If you want to link up or read other bloggers answers you can go here.

I know the point is to link up to these but seriously, it took me forever to get this done. Figuring out the new computer is exhausting. So I'm going to leave it at that...
But now that I can, I'll be back to discuss real life issues like...What's the best hair texturizer powder to use to make your hair all fluffy instead of flat, and where can I get 4 bottles of pretty nail polish for $5 (Whaaaaaaaat!!!), or the fact that I started too many craft projects/gifts all at the same time and now I don't want to do any of them, or that my 11 year old is obsessed over his girlfriend and she doesn't even like him (Shhhhh....don't tell him that). Why is Etsy the only place you can buy boot cuffs - unless you know how to crochet. Why is it so hard to start a BUNKO group - years they have been attempting this. Or lets not even mention that my new favorite lipstick was free and it's red. RED!!! See, so many topics that are in dire need of being addressed and not enough time.
What will we do??

Monday, July 22, 2013

You learn to choose to be HAPPY.....

When I was in 6th grade there was a new girl that started at our school and she was coolest thing since maroon Adidas (at the our school....Go Wildcats!!! ). She didn't look like the rest of us blonde/brunette haired girls with blue-ish/green-ish eyes. She had long, curly red hair, big dimples and big brown eyes and everyone...and I mean everyone....wanted to be her "best friend".

Looking back I don't really understand why we all felt this way. I mean she was definitely popular but I'm pretty sure not a single one of us got to know her as a person. And it's not like I was friendless. I was always someone that had a lot of friends. I never really hung out with one group or another. I enjoyed being friends with everyone. Needless to say, she allowed me the opportunity and asked me to be her Best Friend one day and you were crazy if you turned THAT down. I felt special. I felt cool. I felt prettier. I felt more important. All because when she wrote me a note she signed it - Amy + Jodi = BFFL.

Why is it so difficult for people to see what they have to offer on their own? To know their own worth. I mean sure, my 12 year old self needed reassurance. It happens when your young. It's how you learn more about yourself. But even as an adult, I have experienced so much of the same. I have witnessed the same need for acceptance.  I have been the person that needed it in a desperate situation. But I feel like I have come out the other side knowing my worth. Being happy with who I am on the inside and doing my best to try to live with no regrets. Don't get me wrong, I'm not perfect, not in the slightest. But, I am human and I'm okay with messing up. I'm okay with that because I learn from it and move forward.

Jodi gave me about a month of her shady friendship - and then she broke up with me. She broke up with me the same day Gary Purdue broke up with me. By 3 o'clock they were dating. I was really hurt but not for long. It forced me to really look at what I had at the time. And there was some pretty awesome girls in my life. One of them stuck for nearly 15 years. Looking back, I never mistreated her. I was nothing but kind to her. Even if she wasn't kind to everyone else. Even if she was mean to me. Looking back, Jodi didn't really deserve a friend like me at all.

I'm thankful for all the disappointments I have encountered in my life. They force you to know your strengths. And when you know how strong you are, you know your worth.. And when you know your worth you begin to love yourself more. You begin to accept yourself and all your imperfections. You don't let the actions of others effect you as much. You don't let the negativity get you down like you use to. You do your best to treat people fairly. You tolerate much less. You learn to choose to be HAPPY.

Life's too short to be anything but.....

With Love,

Amy Marie

Friday, July 19, 2013

Friends Flex It Friday


For the first link up we are basically networking! So if you don't mind.....

Tell us 5 Facts about you
 Tell us 5 Fitness related facts about you

Insert pictures Mmmkay.. I wanna see you!
Then you will just add your link and link back to us!

( this means click the link at the bottom add your link and it will walk you through it… then when you post your blog add the Friends Flex it Friday Picture and the links when you mention “linking up with Crystal Michelle + Amy”  back to us.)

Make sure you add your link to my blog  & Crystal's as well!
We will follow your blog via blog lovin’ and stay in touch! In future link ups there will be prizes and fun stuff! We plan on linking up about at home workouts, quick and easy meals for the fambam, fill in the blanks and much more!


I love the beach but the ocean freaks me out. (Hello..Sharks!!)
My eyes turn green when I've been drinking special beverages.
I got my daughters name, Ella, out of a Pottery Barn magazine. 

My oldest friendship is 19 years and still going.
I do believe I am addicted to Spark. 


I have to have my Polar HRM and my music for a work out or forget it - it's not happening.
My favorite muscle group to work out is my Shoulders. Deltoids are pretty. ;-)
The stair master is HELL. But I do that for my cardio because it is more challenging to me than running is.
My favorite work out song is Til I Collapse by Eminem.
I dance while I work out. It's true.


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Finish the Sentence....

You can link up here with Jake & Holly's Finish the Sentence if ya wanna...

If I had one extra hour in the day...When is the hour? Is the extra hour in the morning....Because I would sleep. Is it at night...Because I would finally finish a Law & Order SVU

I wish my name...was longer. Just my first name. I love my middle, albeit very common. My first name is so old school. No offense Mom.

I think anything chevron is...cute on anything that isn't huge or in my room. I got a new beach towel with Chevron print. Totally awesome. But not on my walls.

My last nightmare...I can't even remember. Seriously. I'm sure it had something to do with me losing my teeth.

Sometimes...I think....

My last meal on earth would's a toss up...Either my moms round steak, mash potatoes and gravy with green beans or a filet mignon, caesar salad with asparagus and some steak house mac n cheese...that's how I roll!!

I would much rather be_____ than____... really hungry than really lost. Because I'm lost all the time. Like, all the time.
Mayonnaise...are delicious!!! And I would put them on everything if I wasn't trying to get rid of fat.

10 years ago....I didn't know life could be so good!!!

Selfishly...I don't want my husband to remarry if I die. And he's really young too. Hey, you asked....

My favorite show on TV right now....Naked and Afraid...Balls are fascinating.

And, George Zimmerman....There's a reason why we have a justice system in place. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. This time it did. And I think the decision should be respected and everyone should move on from it.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

"Two hands, two feet, and one brain."

Sharing out of love....

I know it's long but it's absolutely worth the time. I promise.
The Daffodil Principle

Several times my daughter had telephoned to say, 'Mother, you must come to see the daffodils before they are over.' I wanted to go, but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. 'I will come next Tuesday', I promised a little reluctantly on her third call.

Next Tuesday dawned cold and rainy. Still, I had promised, and reluctantly I drove there. When I finally walked into Carolyn's house, I was welcomed by the joyful sounds of happy children. I delightedly hugged and greeted my grandchildren.

'Forget the daffodils, Carolyn! The road is invisible in these clouds and fog, and there is nothing in the world except you and these children that I want to see badly enough to drive another inch!'

My daughter smiled calmly and said, 'We drive in this all the time, Mother.'

'Well, you won't get me back on the road until it clears, and then I'm heading for home!' I assured her.

'But first we're going to see the daffodils. It's just a few blocks,' Carolyn said. 'I'll drive. I'm used to this.'

'Carolyn,' I said sternly, 'Please turn around.'

'It's all right, Mother, I promise. You will never forgive yourself if you miss this experience.'

After about twenty minutes, we turned onto a small gravel road and I saw a small church. On the far side of the church, I saw a hand lettered sign with an arrow that read, ' Daffodil Garden .' We got out of the car, each took a child's hand, and I followed Carolyn down the path. Then, as we turned a corner, I looked up and gasped. Before me lay the most glorious sight.

It looked as though someone had taken a great vat of gold and poured it over the mountain peak and its surrounding slopes. The flowers were planted in majestic, swirling patterns, great ribbons and swathes of deep orange, creamy white, lemon yellow, salmon pink, and saffron and butter yellow. Each different-colored variety was planted in large groups so that it swirled and flowed like its own river with its own unique hue. There were five acres of flowers.

'Who did this?' I asked Carolyn.

'Just one woman,' Carolyn answered. 'She lives on the property. That's her home.' Carolyn pointed to a well-kept A-frame house, small and modestly sitting in the midst of all that glory. We walked up to the house.

On the patio, we saw a poster. 'Answers to the Questions I Know You Are Asking', was the headline. The first answer was a simple one.' 50,000 bulbs,' it read. The second answer was, 'One at a time, by one woman. Two hands, two feet, and one brain.' The third answer was, 'Began in 1958.'

For me, that moment was a life-changing experience. I thought of this woman whom I had never met, who, more than forty years before, had begun, one bulb at a time, to bring her vision of beauty and joy to an obscure mountaintop. Planting one bulb at a time, year after year, this unknown woman had forever changed the world in which she lived. One day at a time, she had created something of extraordinary magnificence, beauty, and inspiration The principle her daffodil garden taught is one of the greatest principles of celebration.

That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at a time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world .

'It makes me sad in a way,' I admitted to Carolyn. 'What might I have accomplished if I had thought of a wonderful goal thirty-five or forty years ago and had worked away at it 'one bulb at a time' through all those years? Just think what I might have been able to achieve!'

My daughter summed up the message of the day in her usual direct way. 'Start tomorrow,' she said.

She was right. It's so pointless to think of the lost hours of yesterdays. The way to make learning a lesson of celebration instead of a cause for regret is to only ask, 'How can I put this to use today?'

Use the Daffodil Principle. Stop waiting...
Until your car or home is paid off
Until you get a new car or home
Until your kids leave the house
Until you go back to school
Until you finish school
Until you clean the house
Until you organize the garage
Until you clean off your desk
Until you lose 10 lbs.
Until you gain 10 lbs.
Until you get married
Until you get a divorce
Until you have kids
Until the kids go to school
Until you retire
Until summer
Until spring
Until winter
Until fall
Until you die...

There is no better time than right now to be happy.
Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like no one's watching.
I'm apart of a private group on FB. It's a small group of women who are continually there for one another. We push each other, we sympathize with one another. We share triumphs and failures - we help each other move on from that. It's a really positive thing to be apart of. I have met some wonderful women in the last few months of my life. Each of them have inspired me in their own way. Each of them encourage me to see the best version of myself. Every. Day.
Today, Sara, from our group, posted this. It brought me to tears. I quickly related the story to my journey. My journey of finding my happy place on the inside and outside.    
I firmly believe that this is the secret to life.  
"That is, learning to move toward our goals and desires one step at a time--often just one baby-step at a time--and learning to love the doing, learning to use the accumulation of time. When we multiply tiny pieces of time with small increments of daily effort, we too will find we can accomplish magnificent things. We can change the world ."
We can change the world. Love the doing. 

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A Letter to my 21 Year Old Self: Just Keep Going.

I'm linking up with Jake & Holly for today's post!

Dear Me,

Try to stop being the selfish 21 year old that you are. Especially when it comes to your dad. You are going to have deep regrets when he is gone and he will be gone soon. I promise you that eventually you will not think so much about his death but more about his life. You will smile more and cry less. I promise you. But don't stop grieving. All in good time. 

Right now you are wondering if you deserve to be with someone that is good. You have made many dating faux pas in your past and it's all out of your insecurities. Your self doubt is going to lead you to one of your biggest  and best mistakes of your life. You will meet someone that you eventually will marry. The entire relationship will have you doubting yourself, your choices and what love is suppose to be. You are desperate and sad and just want to feel wanted. I would tell you to get over it and that you are better than this but honestly, if you hadn't made this choice you wouldn't have received all the blessings from it as well.  It's the entire reason why you have to go through with it. So when it doubt, hold on. Keep pushing forward. Don't stop, something will come out of your tolerance and faith. Jackson and Ella.  And then it's going to get really, really shitty. Do not give up. You will feel like you are dying. Like your heart is being ripped from you but do NOT give up. This is what I need you to do because I didn't. I didn't know better. Write everything down that Ella does. Everything. Because when everything else is falling apart around you, things out of your control, your going to lose the memories of her in that chaos. Write her life down until your life picks back up. You will come to a defining moment in your life, when you realize that you can't do this on your own. You are going to feel like kneeling and praying for the first time ever. Don't hesitate. Do it. And speak to Him. He has been waiting for this for a long time. Don't ever look back. Remember I told you it's going to get a whole lot worse before it gets better but that you have to keep going. Keep going. Your not there yet but you will be. You're about to learn what you are capable of. You are about to learn how strong you are. How much you deserve love. You're about to meet your sister all over again. You are about to meet the love your life. Let him in. He is going to be your forever soul mate. He is going to make all of this worth it. All of it. I know that sounds crazy but you will see.  Just keep going.

I love you.


Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Work Out Wednesday with Skinny Meg

I'm linking up with Skinny Meg for Work Out Wednesday. 

 For a little over a month now I have been changing up my workout routine. I use to be strictly cardio with  weights twice a week. You know this from my constant posts regarding my long mile runs. (Hey, they are long for me) I haven't ran in awhile. Not a long distance. I'm wondering If I still could at this point. I'm hoping it's like riding a bike, you just get back on and start where you left off. Why do I have a feeling it won't be like that. Not at all. Anyways, after not really seeing much change in my body, or my clothes or the scale I decided something needed to change. My frustration was at a all time high, I was letting the number on the scale ruin my days emotionally and I wanted to throw eating healthy out the damn window and just eat a cheeseburger. And yes, I have been eating more clean for while now too, so between that and my work outs I thought something would change. Not anything. Six months later, and nothing. 

Now I love being a healthier version of me. I love working out, so stopping that was never really an option for me. I love eating better. Even if it's  hard, it makes me feel better.  And I love the food that I eat. But something had to give. I talked to several different "non-expert" Experts and although a lot of the information was different there were things that were consistent. Lift. More. Weights. More weight, less cardio. And do your cardio after weight lifting. So...that's what I did. 

I now lift five days a week. And I won't sugar coat it, in the beginning it was intimidating. I didn't know what I was doing, I still really don't, but I conquered my fear. I got past the uncomfortable, out of my safe box, and made it happen. I focus on each muscle group twice a week. I also do HIIT training and I find a lot of WOD (work out of the day) online. They are exhausting and I always get a really high calorie burn. I love them! Mostly I love looking forward to doing something different for my body. Change is good. 

Here is what I do for my Arm days. (Twice a week, followed by cardio)

I did these because that is where I see the most change. In my shoulders and my biceps. And although the scale doesn't reflect my hard work, my shorts are a lot bigger on me than they were last summer. Yep, so I threw out the damn scale.  

*I got a lot of this information from - I used it as a starting point and I change it up every week.

*You tube any move you don't know how to do. 

Friday, June 7, 2013

Computer Hi-Jacked and Liebster Award

So obviously Bailee and I are Blog soulies. Or at the very least she was feeling the yearning within me to Blog again. Around midnight thirty last night I thought to myself, in between coughing fits, tomorrow I would love to make a big cup of coffee and hi-jack the computer back from my daughter and just write.....I have nothing in particular I want to write about and I also have very specific things I want to say. I know, a contradiction in terms. And this morning I received a sweet email from Bailee saying that she nominated me for a Liebster Award. Just what  I needed. The perfect excuse. So thank you Bailee for the nomination!!! I'm both humbled and appreciative of the sweet thought.

Oh and if you are like me, you have no idea what the Liebster Award is. (Does anyone just want to call it a Lobster Award for fun?) Anyways, it is an award for bloggers who have under 200 followers. And although I'm so close (only 175 followers away ;-) ) and I don't expect to receive it, it's really nice to be thought of. Isn't it?? Kindness goes a long way - I'm telling you peeps.

To nominate your fellow bloggers:
1. acknowledge the blog that nominated you
2. tell 11 facts about yourself
3. answer 11 questions the nominating blogger created
4. list blogs with less then 200 followers that you believe deserve this award
5. post 11 questions for them
6. notify them they have been nominated
AND! You CAN NOT nominate the blog that nominated you (total bum deal by the way)

11 Facts About Myself:

1. I love buying new make-up and make-up brushes.
2. I haven't had a pedicure in years.
3. I can't see well enough at night to drive safely.
4. If given the option for new boobs or lasiks - I would choose new eye balls.
5. I love lifting weights.
6. I hate when my husband chews on his finger nails.
7. I am fascinated by sharks and deathly afraid of the ocean.
8. I will let my kids swim in the ocean all day. (that seems messed up)
9. My three favorite blogs already have like a bazillion followers so I can't nominate them.
10. I threw away my scale at home.
11. I want several tattoos.

11 Questions from Bailee:

1. What is your favorite food? I mean how long can this answer be. No, really. I love food. But if I had to pick a favorite - It would be Mexican food. If you needed something more specific than that, than I pick Margaritas.

2. What is your favorite time of year? Definitely Fall. Even if it only lasts three days here in Texas. I love the cool breeze with the warm sun on your skin. I love that it is socially acceptable to wear boots again. The color of the leaves make me feel like I am in a different place. I see a lot more of extended family in Fall too.

3. What is your favorite quote? I have a few favorites for different reasons. I'm not sure mine are actually quotes as muchs as they are poems. I love a good poem.This one resonates with me the most.

here is the deepest secret nobody knows

(here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud

and the sky of the sky of a tree called life;which grows

higher than soul can hope or mind can hide)

and this is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart; i carry your heart(i carry it in my heart)
 - E.E. Cummings
4. If you could travel anywhere in the world where would you go? Greece. Have you ever seen a picture of that place, no matter the city, that wasn't breathtaking? Definitely Greece. And Australia. I'm a sucker for an accent. 

5. What is your favorite thing about where you live? That my family lives here. Doesn't get much better than that.

6. If you could do anything in the world what would it be? A tourist in Hawaii. But old Hawaii. The part that hasn't been industrialized. I would get to see beauty every day and then share it with people.

7. What is your biggest dream? Dream big! I just want to inspire people. It's that simple. I want to be the reason someone makes a change for the better, for themselves. I don't feel like anything would be more rewarding than that.

8. Should you have a big wedding ceremony or elope? Big wedding. You have to do it. You just can't lose sight of the fact that it's not about the wedding, it's all about the marriage. If you can do that, then I say every girl should be allowed to have her dream day.

9. What is your favorite animal? - White Tiger. So majestic.

10. What is your favorite book? - The Hunger Game Series - I didn't want it to be over.

11. Who is your role model and why? - My mother. I have always felt like my mother always does the right thing. Yeah, she may get grumpy sometimes and she is stubborn as hell - like seriously, one of the most stubborn people I know. But in the end, she always does the right thing. Even if it's the hardest choice. She is my best friend.

My Nominees
All Things Beautiful
Just Me Lisa Marie
Crystal Michelle's Mess

My 11 Questions: (Geez there are a lot of questions and facts on this blog)

1. What is your biggest pet peeve?
2. What makes you a good friend?
3. What is your favorite dessert?
4. What are you most passionate about?
5. If you could live anywhere for just 6 months, where would it be?
6. Do you hold grudges?
7. What did you want to be when you were little?
8. What three words would you use to describe yourself?
9. You are on an island with just your family and the clothes on your back - What do you miss having the most?
10. What is the best advice you have ever received?
11. Would you rather get lost in a really good book or a really good movie?

Thanks again for the Nom Miss Bailee!!!!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Hiatus Over.

So if it hasn't been completely obvious I have been on a writing hiatus. For no particular reason at all. I'm not going on strike or taking an intentional break - so please, for the love of all that is Holy, don't panic!! Honestly, I just wanted to be able to apply and include the word 'hiatus' in one of my blog posts - this felt like the best way to do that. ;-)

Oddly enough I have had plenty going on in the last month to write about. I can't even recall how many times I thought to myself, "I have to blog about this." or "That was the best weekend ever, I must do a recap with full on pictures.". And each time, I didn't. Each time I let the moment pass me by and then the motivation was gone.

Ironically, now that I am sitting here, I have nothing of importance to talk about. Which could only mean one thing:

Random Thoughts - By Yours Truly

If you have never done a Color Run - you have to do it at least once in your life. But you have to do it exactly the way I did, or it will definitely not be as fun. Here are your instructions: First and foremost, sign up for the damn run the first day that you can register. Seriously, if you don't, the rest of this won't matter. Secondly, get a hotel room at the Embassy Suites - It must be this hotel. Then, you will need a sitter from 4 pm the day before until roughly 4 p.m. the next day. (If you don't have kids please proceed to next directive) Arrive at said hotel by 5:30 so you can enjoy a complimentary happy hour for two hours with your friends. Directly after the Happy Happy Hour, head on over to Razoo's and enjoy the chicken fingers and bowl of liquor with straws that are as long as your arms. (don't spit out the liquid from the bowl onto your brother in law across the table - he will NOT LIKE this - you are welcome for this tip), then pile the whole gang of like 23 people into one vehicle. I am not saying this is the safest way to go but definitely the most fun. Attempt to play darts with people that don't care if you suck. Get your rest (I may have forgotten to do this part) and wake up bright and early the next morning for the Color Run. Bring your sister so that while you are in mid sentence she can throw the blue color directly into your mouth. I know this sounds gross but it will make a fabulous addition to the Color Run website. After run, go eat at BWW. Even if your sister in law hates it. She will find something there she likes. Eat your wings and do NOT, wash off your face. Just your hands. Best. Weekend. Ever.

I am completely addicted to Supremely Spicy Hummus and Almond Butter - I will never go back to Peanut butter again. It is that good!!! I feel like I should mention that I don't eat these two things together.

I made the coolest discovery this weekend - My ears are double pierced. Still. Like I haven't put earrings in my second hole since middle school. I feel like a rock star. I wonder if I could still get a ring through my nose? Better not push my luck.

My amazing husband surprised me with a weekend getaway to Austin for our Anniversary. We have never been there together and it was such a perfect weekend. I now have a new favorite steak house and dessert. (Bananas Foster rocks my socks off) We went to the most amazing restaurant the second night to watch the sunset. The Oasis - and it was the most gorgeous view and the weather was perfect and so were the Margs.(Seriously, check this place out) I have never been to 6th street and in my old age I was determined to make it happen. I'm so glad I did. That place is crazy fun. And crazy cheap!! Thanks for the memories love!!

 Also...we may have laid out under the sun for slightly longer than we should have. 

Yesterday, I witnessed a random stranger in his car help a boy who was being bullied make it home safely. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. My heart was touched. There are still good people in this world. With all the crazy we have seen lately it's so important to look for the good.

How much longer does this damn Jodi Arias trial have to go? My sister has been sucked into the black hole that is the trial and she isn't coming out to talk until the verdict is read.

I hurt my foot a couple weeks back. I was so afraid to be in the same position my husband is in ( which is PT twice a week for 6 weeks and specific instruction not to do any running or circuit training), that I didn't want to chance it. I took a few days off from running. I didn't realize how much I loved it until I physically couldn't do it. My hubs is miserable right now. I totally get it.

But then...

I got right back at it and ran the longest distance I had to date - 6 miles!!! I am ready..I am ready to sign up for a 10k. Let's do this!!

I can't stand one uppers - like for real. We get it. Shut up. No one upping allowed.

I am so excited about our summer. Specifically the end of July. Where our feet will finally meet the beach again. Nothing better.

I would like to start collecting the following items: running/work out shoes/clothes, earrings, make-up, nail polish and colored jeans. I like choices. However, yellow nail polish is not for me. I have attempted it twice. No go.

I got to enjoy being a non Wal-Mart grocery shopper for like three weeks before my husband came to his senses. Completely bummed about this.

New Favorite Running Songs: Can't Hold Us (Macklemore), Boom (P.O.D.), Hall of Fame (Script)

Before I get new boobs - I want new eyes. Curse all you people who have eye balls that can see!!

I have kids to pick up from school and prescriptions to pick up from the pharmacy.

Have a fab week!!

With Love,

Amy Marie

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finish the Sentence...

Linking up with Holly and Jake for Finish the Sentence.

Finish the Sentence

1. If calories didn't count, I would eat... all the Mexican Food in sight. This mostly includes any and all Margaritas. Who doesn't like to drink their meals???
2. On my Prom night.... I wore pants first of all...and my belly was exposed...and instead of hairspray I sprayed my already hardened hair with spray deodorant. I kinda looked like I had a serious case of dandruff. My date and I lost all our money that was given to us by our parents in a bounce house. (We were so cool) and he then decided to end our good fortune of a night with a punch to his windshield. (We were also really smart) The End.
3. When I go to the store, I always buy... I actually don't get to go to the grocery store because my husband doesn't trust me to stick to the list but that's because when I do go to the grocery story I buy whatever I can that he "forgot" to put on the list. So...yeah, I get it.
4. Family functions typically... are chaotic. There is never enough alcohol.
5. I think my blog readers... are literally my 10 friends. Like, no joke, I'm going to hang out with them all this weekend.
6. I'd much rather be..... in a pool somewhere in the Bahamas. (Not an ocean - please see previous post regarding "man eaters") Sipping on whatever the hell drink I want because calories don't count.
7. I have an obsession with.... spicy hummus, make-up, work-out attire and Sons of Anarchy...Maybe in that order.
8. My work friends.... do not exist. I'm a horrible person and my work friends have told me they cannot stand to be around me. One person mentioned that I smelled of pizza that has come back up and another person said my hair lip is so bad that it's hard to have a conversation with me without staring right at it. Okay, but really I am a stay at home mom. My work friends really do not exist.
9. When I created my Facebook account.... I did it in absolute secrecy.
10. My least favorite word is... canal, fart, cream...hahaha....Canal Fart Cream...sorry...immature is another least favorite of mine.
11. I really don't remember.... what I ever saw in my ex husband. Seriously. He showed me his abs the first night we met and made fun of my shoes. Winner, winner chicken dinner Amy!!! Good one!
12. Justin Bieber.... should have been added to #10

Freaking Man Eaters...

It's been so long. Too long, right? Have you missed me? 

Don't answer that.

I'm bored and had nothing of value to write about today. Well except a bucket list. And who doesn't like to read other people's bucket lists!! Okay..well if that doesn't sound appealing than maybe just coming up with your own sounds fun. Yes?


Top Ten Tuesday 

 "Things I Want To Do Before I Die" or also known as, Top 10 Things On Your Bucket List.

Stewart Street
  1.  Visit New York City at Christmas Time. (Okay so if you happen to follow the link your going to see that the blogger that posted this actually had this as one of her items, actually her number 1 - these are not in order of favorites btw) But in all fairness, I so badly want to go to NYC during the Winter, specifically Christmas Time. I swear I do. Ask the Hubs. I have said it time and time again. I have been to New York twice and it's a fascinating city. It literally feels like you have been thrown right in the middle of a movie. But I want Christmas Time and I want the lights and the ice skaters. I want all of it.
  2. Shark Cage Diving - Okay, so until yesterday this seemed way more doable and exciting. Then I happen to see a video on yahoo about a man who was diving with the Great Whites in South Africa (first mistake - that place is swarming with the "man eaters") And now it seems less exciting and more life threatening. Still. What an adrenaline rush. 
  3. Run a Full Marathon - This seems absolutely insane to me. Insane and stupid and not fun. I can't even get to 6 yet. But, to be able to say I did this, would be worth all the damn pain. Maybe. 
  4. Take my Family to a Foreign Country -  I want to be able to give them (my kids) an experience that they will never forget. That will be a first for all of us. That will make memories for years to come.
  5. Feel Confident in Myself - I don't think I have to be a certain size or look good in a bikini (Umm but that would be nice) I just want to be able to feel like I am taking care of myself the best way that I can and feel good about the person that I am.  This includes the kind of friend, mother and wife I am. Always a work in progress I suppose. 
  6. Instruct a Fitness Class - I think Body Combat might be my favorite. Or any kind of Turbo Kick. I would love to make that a job of mine some day. And I'm not getting younger. 
  7. Come up with a potion to become younger - Okay I'm kidding...sort of...Okay, No I'm not. 
  8. Travel to a New City - Jacob and I have talked about this off and on. But once a year, maybe twice, I think it would be fun to discover a new place together. Short and sweet.
  9. Watch my Kids Grow Up - But not just grow up. To feel good with their choices. To be humble. To be kind to everyone. To be sympathetic. To be gracious. I would love for my kids to go to college. I would love for my kids to get married and have babes and live "the dream"...but if it's not ever something they want for themselves than at the very least I want to be able to see them become good people. I want them to be happy.
  10. Buy a House with a Pool -  Can we move yet? I hate this house. Although I'm doing my best to learn to appreciate and love what we have but.....can we move yet?

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Taggin' Tuesday: Fitness Survey

Today I am being completely lazy.

Thankfully my friend, Crystal Michelle over at came to my rescue. I'm taggin' up with her so I don't have to put much thought into today's post. Please forgive me.

Body Pump was a good one this morning. My legs are still shaking. And this survey is right up my alley.

Taggin' Tuesday: Fitness Survey

1. Five fitness items I can’t live without:
  • My "fun" workout tanks. They make it more fun to get dressed and go work out.
  • Polar FT4 Fitness Heart Rate Monitor and Calorie Counter (Feel naked without it)
  • My Iphone with my 'Workin It' Playlist. I will not run if I don't have it on me. Music moves me.
  • My earbuds to listen to said music
  • My sports bras from Target rock my world. I love them and all the amazing colors they come in.
2. Favorite pre-workout snack/meal:
 If it's a morning work out then I have egg whites and/or half a whole grain sandwich round with all natural peanut butter. If it's an afternoon/evening work out then all I really need is my Spark!!

3. On my fitness bucket list:

  • I want to inspire someone to the point that they want me to help them get where they want to be because I got where I wanted to be and kept at it.
  • Add weights to the bicep track in Body Pump. Those damn bottom halves are going to kill me.
  • I want to get up to 7 miles and be able to do it at least two times a week.
  • Run a 10k
  • Run a half marathon and earn my 13.1 sticker
  • Look good naked
  • Become more educated in Nutrition
  • To get through one damn work out without having to pull up my pants!! Just one!!
4. Must-have tech tools:
My Phone for my music and my HRM watch and chest strap

5. Top exercise gear:
Even though I want new shoes, I have to admit mine have pretty much got me through all my work outs. I can run in them, spin in them, do body pump and lunges and jumps and combat. All of it. They never slip, they never hurt, they never cause blisters. They just aren't colorful enough for me!! 
I have lots of different sports bras now. My Nike one and the racer backs from Target are my faves. 
I love, love, love my UnderArmour pants. They never show sweat and I can move in them easily. I just want more of them.

6. Motivational mantra:
Every day is a choice. And in each day are smaller but still important choices. One bad choice doesn't have to dictate your entire day/month/year. You screwed up, you move on. You make better choices. You chose to be healthy, whatever that is for you. But you do it for you.

 7. Next big exercise goal:

I want to be able to add more weights in Body Pump. I want my upper body to be stronger. And I want to run a 10k easily. 

8. Favorite cardio exercise:
Body Attack - No Question

9. Favorite strength move:
Is Plyo a strength move?? Haha..I love Plyo - like a kid I love it. Until I have to follow it up with high knees, then I hate it. I also love the shoulder and back track in Pump. I can feel it right away. And it burns good!

If your reading this.. TAG YOUR IT! – Link up to Taggin’ Tuesday!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


Last Friday, the kids and I were on our way out to Fort Worth to get Jackson's allergy shot. It's a good little  30 minute drive for us both ways. It's a drive we take every other Friday. It's a drive that is part of our routine. Most of the time, Jackson just falls asleep in the front seat. Most of the time. This time was different. This time my 10 year old boy just held my hand. And he held it tight. Really, really tight. As if he was trying to tell me something but he didn't have the words. At that moment, I had to hold back tears. Because whether or not Jackson was trying to speak to me without words or he just wanted to hold my hand and cut off any feeling I had in it, the truth is, Jackson lives a life I can't relate to. Both of my older kids do. And that makes me sad. It makes it harder for me to make things better for them.

They live two different lives. Back and forth, between my house and their dad's, there is nothing consistent between the two households. Nothing. At all. Not even in the way we love them. Think about that. Because that is all I could think about on our trip out to Fort Worth that Friday. How hard it must be for a 4 year old, 5, 6, 8, 10 year old boy to be two different people constantly. I can't fix that for him. I can't change things that are out of my control. I can't change how he feels when he is on the other side of town, in a house that doesn't feel like a home to him. I use to think that this would make me feel happy. Or comforted in some way. But it doesn't. It makes me feel like I have child that is lost. That doesn't know who he is. Where he belongs. He doesn't know how to be happy. He is a people pleaser to a fault. He doesn't know any other way and until now, it frustrated me. (It still may a little) But I have to think that he is like this because of his situation. Because of how he has been raised and it may not be my influence but he has been influenced all the same.

As I sat there hiding my tears behind my big sunglasses I thought about when Jackson was Landon's age. Even younger. He was so happy. The sweetest, prettiest little boy ever. I thought about how I never pictured this life for him. That in all honesty, all you want for your children is to be happy. You will do whatever you can in your power to make that happen. I am powerless now. I can tell Jackson a thousand different times how "he's lucky because he gets 2 Christmases or 2 Birthday Party celebrations or that he has even more people to love him" - The truth of the matter is, Jackson would rather have some sort of normalcy on a consistent basis then 2 Christmas. Jackson knows that it's the best we can come up with when he asks, "Why?" And that this is the best it's ever going to get. That his life will forever be a struggle between back and forth. Between Mom and Dad. Between two houses that are as different as night and day. He will have to deal with choices some kids don't have to consider. He will have to figure out a way, on his own, to discover who he is.

All you can do as a parent with every other weekend is do the best to make your lives together and your house you are raising your babies in feel like home. Give them space to grow. Allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. Afford them the opportunities to make their own decisions. Don't ever make them feel like they are choosing between one or the other. Love the 'other' as much as humanely possible. Whether they deserve it or not. Set the good examples. Embrace the fact that you have no control over all of it. Take your "part" and blow it out of the water. I want my kids to say one day, "I want to be like my Mother. I want to have her heart. Her understanding. My mom was 'home' to me."

Hold on, to me as we go
As we roll down this unfamiliar road
And although this wave is stringing us along
Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home

Settle down, it'll all be clear
Don't pay no mind to the demons
They fill you with fear
The trouble it might drag you down
If you get lost, you can always be found

Just know you’re not alone
Cause I’m going to make this place your home

Friday, February 22, 2013

Mo' Money, Minimal Problems....

I have some complaining to do today. Complaining isn't really in my nature but it's healthy so I'm just going to go for it. This may be somewhat difficult because I just took a sip of my first and only cup of coffee today and it was delightful.

Let's give it a whirl.

Mo' Money, Mo' Problems, My Ass. Truth. Money is such an evil necessity, isn't it? People just want to get by. They want a roof over their head, food on the table, shoes on their feet, clothes on their back. Maybe sign their kid up for soccer or ballet. Stay home with their babies while their babies are babies and sacrifice some things. Work hard at something you hate so you can send your kid to private school. Work hard at something you love, to not have enough money at the end of the month to pay the bills. Every scenario is different but it's all encompassing of the same goal. Getting by with little stress. The world doesn't work that way I suppose.

Mo' Money, Minimal Problems. Unless you're an idiot who blows it all. Then I don't feel sorry for you.

I survived my teenage years. I did well. I had friends in and out of school. I made good grades. I was athletic.I had some really good teachers. I had boyfriends. I learned how to learn. I did the 'Rachel' hair cut right after being nominated for best hair. I only cried a little when I lost to Amy Noris for Prom Queen. I didn't make fun of people. I was a well rounded teenager. (not as round as I am today) Don't get me wrong. I made some mistakes. I got busted for lying to my parents. I took money from my mom. (sounds better than stole) I was hurt by boys and girls, because girls are just so mean. But I learned all my lessons pretty well and moved on from them. I don't think I deserve any type of reward for this. My reward is my experiences. However, I don't feel like I should be punished.


Are you freaking kidding me with this crap?!?!?! Really?? In my early twenties I got complimented on my skins' complexion and now...Well hormones can just go to hell! Now, I look like I should have when I was a teen. It's ridiculous. It's bad enough that I'm getting older. That I have to wear sunblock now or I will wrinkle or get more sunspots or weird bumps on my leg that I have to go get checked out because I'm scared to death it's cancer. (It, in fact, was not cancer) It's bad enough that I can't lose weight easily or have 'Shark Weeks' from hell. It's all bad enough. I'm a grown up. And I take it back. I should be rewarded for surviving my teenage years. I should be able to keep my teenage skin. If I can't keep my teenage boobs, then give me my teenage skin. That way...if I ever have "Mo' Money" I can get "Mo Boobs". ;-)

Happy Friday Ya'll and Happy Margarita Day!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Mama has skillz

 I got some sh*%$ done this weekend people. Like for reals. And it feels good!! The rest of my house, I can't keep up with. And laundry. I totally neglected the laundry over the weekend. But...other than that..I got 'er done.

This is.........Awesome. (if you didn't read that while singing Thrift Shop you have failed)

Sam's is smart to sell fridges/freezers. You almost have to purchase an additional one on top of the one that you already have at home so you can fit everything you buy from Sam's in it. Either way, I still love shopping there. It makes me want to go camping.

I want to go camping. So lets, shall we?

Dear Wal-Mart, You seriously suck. Is there any logical reason why you no longer sell red bell peppers anymore? No, in fact, there is not. Also, your deli is a joke. Make up your mind on when you close. And quit employing lazy people to run it.

Dear Kroger, I love you. All of you. The End.

We took the kids to Urban Air Trampoline Park yesterday. (Is that what it's called?) Anyways, super fun. A couple things though. First off, I'm positive out of all the parents there, Jacob and I were the only adults jumping. What is that about? Secondly, I almost peed my pants jumping. True story. I had to chill out on my super, extra high jumping skills or our day of fun was going to end abruptly. Mama has skillz though. Fo shizzle.

Don't you hate when you tell yourself that everything happens for a reason just so you can bare the bad news. Bad meaning it really wasn't the outcome you were hoping for. The thing is, everything does happen for a reason. Everything. You just may not know it anytime soon. Or ever. But just so know....there is a different plan for you than the one you wanted for yourself. Be patient.

I had two cheat meals this weekend. Not days. Meals. And they were both delicious. So was Matt.  My husband is way hotter than Matt, the waiter. And after 6 months, may be able to grow facial hair like him.

My hotter than Matt husband is falling apart. I'm beginning to think he has been lying to me about his age all this time. I know longer think I married younger. I even question his brain and memory function. But he's smart. So, there's that.

Dear Will Power/Self Control - get your crap together. You knew buying that Dark Chocolate Pomegranate was a horrible idea from glorious Sam's and now....Now you have to will yourself to stay away from it. Stay away. Stay away from the deliciousness of it. Oh God, I want some now.

Have a good week and try to be a good person and not steal anything! Kthanksbye!!

With Love,

Amy Marie

Friday, February 15, 2013

These Are a Few of My Favorite Things...

I think Fridays are my favorite day to write. Friday's are happy. They make me want to say words like "ya'll" and "fun" and "weekend". I get all nestled in to my chair at my desk and feel like it's the perfect start to what's to come for me. Down time. It's the beginning of my down time.

I thought I would share some new things I have tried out lately that I really love. By things I mean food and/or products. Then there is that one product I tried that made me look like know the one....the spinach eating, garbage can living man. Yep, that one. But we will get to that.

A few of my favorite things:

Honey Chicken Salad : (makes 2 servings/270 calories per serving - close to 3/4 cup) 1 can of chicken (12.5 oz), 1 tablespoon of mayo, 1 tablespoon of greek plain yogurt, 1 tablespoon of honey, salt, pepper and sage to season) The original recipe that I got this from calls for celery, green apples (to add a tart) and golden raisins. I, personally, do not like celery and didn't have any golden raisins on hand. So I improvised. I added cranraisins and instead of sage (again didn't have this), I used cilantro to season. It was delicious. I made it two days in a row for lunch for the hubby and myself. I am sure I am going to make it again this weekend. Split the batch in two and you have plenty for a lunch. He put his on a sandwich round, I just ate mine without. I did have a few tortilla chips with it. (about 5)

I ordered two work out tanks from sunsetsigndesigns through Etsy. I love them. They are so soft and fit so well. Not too tight, not too big. Just right, said Goldilocks. I ordered a large in both. She even special made me this one here.  She will put whatever you want on a shirt for you. I'm thinking maybe this is where we should order our Color Run shirts from!! 

I have tons of sports bras. Hey...remember when I had like two?? Well, the sports bra Gods have blessed me with many more. Twelve if we are counting. I have my faves and my second faves...(no need to worry, I'm not posting pics of me in sports bras) Oh...but wouldn't it be nice if I looked good enough to do so. Sigh...anyways...My fave is from Target. It's full coverage and they come in really cute colors!! I like colors!

My second faves is the Nike one on the bottom. It's good coverage and is Dry Fit material. That stuff is for real. I love it!

I tried a sample of Make Up Forever HD in Flesh 118 this week. My sister had mentioned trying it and loved the coverage. Said she felt like she didn't need much concealer after putting it on. I think my face has more scars and sun spots than hers does so I still needed concealer but it was good coverage and it felt light. Not too heavy. It made my pores look smaller too. (I can't believe this is even an issue for me) Apparently it is a pretty popular product right now so it's hard to come by. I want to try another shade and will probably go get another sample of the same just because I can but I recommend it. It's a bit pricey though so be sure you get a sample of it first before buying.

I currently use Revlon Photoready in Shell and I feel like it is somewhat comparable to the Make Up Forever HD. Good coverage and light. So far it's my favorite out of all the foundations I currently have. Although I'm sure if I ever get the Make Up Forever HD that may be my new  go to foundation.

Speaking of concealing, my concealer is the bomb-diggity. I love it. Best concealer I have ever had. It's by No7 and you can find it at Target. I use the Fair color and I highly recommend this stuff if you are in need of a good concealer. If you aren't, well then I don't really like you very much.

I'm sure e.l.f. has some really good products. I just haven't found them yet. They are cheap so even if you don't like them, you aren't really losing too much mula.  I did get the Make Up Mist and Set spray. I have no idea if it really works. I guess it does. It smells good anyways. And it has Vitamins  and Aloe, Green Tea and Cucumber in it. At the very least it's refreshing.

I also tried the e.l.f. Tone Corrector for eyes, lips and face in Apricot Beige. Totally smells like Apricot btw. It's not a good concealer at all. But it does help under my eyes a tad bit. I'm still searching for that perfect eye highlighter that makes me look more awake.

The e.l.f. All over Color Stick is the devil. This cost me more than a dollar. This also cost me a shot in my buttox because my eyes swelled up. Obviously there is something in this that I am allergic to.  I know my skin under my eyes is very sensitive but I put a lot of things  under my eyes and it doesn't cause them to swell. This stuff did.

This is after the shot. It had gone down some. Then my eyes started to leak and itch. Yeah..No fun!

I made this for my hubby for VDay. I love it! Like more than he does. I may be hooked. I want to make a billion more for no reason at all!! I also don't know how well the permanent marker will hold up in a wash. To play it safe I am going to wash this mug by hand but I read it was dish washer safe too. I also read that a lot of people experience the marker going away completely. Oh well, it's cute now! Even if just for a little while. I bought the white mug at the dollar store and just used normal Sharpie Permanent Markers. I preheated the oven to 350 degrees and left the cup in there for 30 minutes. I then let it sit in the oven to cool. Probably another two hours at least.

Happy Fun Weekend Ya'll!!!

With Love,

Amy Marie

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Diary of a Mad White Woman

Not so Deep Thoughts

I'm all over the place on this one. I didn't even bother to spell or grammar check. Good luck.

I know Jacob is trying to wake me up but I'm just going to pretend like I can't hear him so I can get 30 to 45 more seconds of "shut eye". Why is it so cold in this damn house all the time. I need socks. I cannot go downstairs without socks.

Oh wow. My upper arms and back are sore from Combat yesterday. Awesome, I love that class even more now. I love punching. Punching makes me feel strong and focused. And I love knowing I am sore from punching air. 

Okay so I know I told Jacob that I am more than happy to prepare his lunch for him every day in the morning but now I'm doing three lunches. That's annoying. Shut up Amy. He deserves at least that. Shut up and don't say anything.  "You know you are like a kid now because I have to make your lunch in the morning too!" Ya just couldn't keep your mouth shut could you.

I don't want to do Ella's hair. It's such a waste of time to "fix" her hair, she always takes it down.  I'm ready for her to cut it off. Plus she loses all our ponytail holders. "Do you want to get a hair cut?" "No!!!" Whatever.

I'm looking forward to body pump today. Ugh...Jackson forgot his lunch. Okay I will drop that off on my way to the gym.

I'm getting Crystal a bench, just in case. Although, these bp-ers are like serious about this stuff. They may get pissed if there is a random bench taking up space. I will just pretend like I don't know who put it there.
Yep, I just "woo-hoo'd" in class. Loud. Was I the only one who did that? Awesome. Thank God for loud music. Only Crystal knows the truth. 

I can't believe I just let Crystal talk me into making a video. The things I do...

What is for lunch? I'm hungry. I'm always hungry. Food is stupid. Speaking of stupid. This weather is stupid. We literally had like three weeks of winter. If that. That means that summer is going to be like hell on earth. Which means I have to wear shorts. I do not like shorts. Summer is stupid. Food and Summer are both stupid. 

I feel really good today. Like I'm going to pray to God that I have this same amount of energy when it's time to work out tonight. "Dear God, please let me keep this energy level through out the day. I want to walk away tonight with a red face and drenched shirt." Amen.

Heck yeah, only laundry i have for the day is towels. Love that. Okay are Landon's underwears disappearing. Seriously. Okay so i have Landon's laundry and towels. Heck yeah just went to...yeah.

So yes, my prayers worked. I'm ready to go. I don't feel too exhausted at all. Let's do this. I'm running 5 damn miles tonight. I need to do this. I can do this. After I clean up Landons puke from crying so hard from hitting his head on the floor. He is a non-stop puke machine. For reals.

Did I just stretch my arms before starting to run. I did, I actually did that. I never do that. Odd. Wait, it's because they are sore and it feels good to stretch them and it's because today, I feel good about this run. Time to break the 4 mile cycle. Here. We. Go.

I'm starting two songs back. Something different. It's already helping.

1 mile in, body check. Feel good. First mile was easy. Normally after a morning of body pump it would be  hard by now. This is a good sign.

Mile 2, Steph is calling me. I can't stop. If I stop it will be too hard to start up again and it's still pretty easy for me. Besides, look at this girl in front of me. She's amazing. She's young. She's overweight. She has been running since I have been on here. I'm not stopping if she isn't stopping. 2 minutes later - crap, she stopped. okay well I have to keep going. Music is good. Legs are moving. Can't stop sweating. I can do this. I'm half way there. Plus, I feel like a bad A next to the man and woman on both sides of me walking. I do. And I'm okay feeling that way. Damn it, just swallowed my spit the wrong way - I just gasped and now I'm trying to catch my breath from it. Ugh....Okay I'm almost to 4. My brain is trying to fool me. It's telling me I'm almost done...It's a tricky thing...Shut up Brain!

4 mile mark and I get a text from husband two treadmills over "I'm just walking off the last 39 calories."
Screw a duck..NOooooo!! That's all I needed, an excuse to be done. I've hit 4 miles and he is done. I have done good but that wasn't my goal for tonight. And tonight is the night. I will be so mad at myself if I stop now. Just.Keep. Going. My lungs are good - big deep breath. My legs are moving. The only thing that hurts is the bottom of my feet and I can run through that. I am going to make myself proud.

4.5 miles. I want to quit. I want to stop but I have two more laps. Two more. I can do that. I am almost there. Time to put on my song. Fort Minor. Remember the Name. Listen to the beat, run with the beat. Now speed up.

5 miles. Mission Accomplished. Happy Girl. Seriously happy girl. Red faced and drenched shirt.