Wednesday, January 16, 2013

My Net

In my last post I had mentioned reading a book called Bloom by Kelle Hampton. I won't go into too much detail about the book. It's a very special book. I don't feel the need to persuade anyone to read it. If you are interested in it I figured at this point you would either google it or ask me to borrow it. The latter has already taken place so you will have to wait in line.


A lot of what she writes about are her relationships.She devotes an entire chapter to this topic.  She refers to them in their entirety as her "Net". I love this analogy. Net - 1 a : an open-meshed fabric twisted, knotted, or woven together at regular intervals b : (1) : a device for catching... ( Source   Consider it. A group of people, each their own person, who make a difference in your life. Who come together as your warriors and make it their sole job to catch whatever you can't handle. They accept the responsibility to hold you together when you are falling to pieces.  They are your hope when you have none. And I was envious of her fabulous "Net".  It was the one thing that stayed with me after finishing the book that I didn't expect. I was impacted. Mostly because when she spoke of her 28 friends that made up her beautiful support system, I didn't think I could relate.

I was wrong.

It took some time but I figured out that I do, in fact, have my own Net.

And this makes me happy.

It may not consist of 28 women who will stop everything at the drop of a hat but it does make up the most amazing people that I know in my life. They are people I can be honest with, I can be real without being judged. We have created a place between us where there is comfort in knowing that everyone's normal is not the same but we embrace it with arms wide open. A place that validates our feelings instead of questioning them. We can vent to one another without explanation or having to justify it. We pray for each other. And we pray hard. We cry for each other. We laugh together. We tell stories about being bucked off horses named Skip and we know it's okay to laugh. We share our joys and we discuss our fears, no matter how crazy they may seem. We listen to each other. We love each other.

I have a Net.

And my Net is bad ass.


  1. You do have a big, diverse net. And that is good! Poor Skip...he's now got a bad rap.

    1. Alli, Im so blessed you are a part of my net!! I love you so! And Skip does have a bad rap. Rightfully so.

  2. What a beautiful post, Amy. You've made me cry twice in one day now. I have no idea where I'd be in life without my 'net'. They really do hold you together when all else is falling apart. I definitely think this is a book I need to read. Thanks for sharing. And thank you so, so much again for your email. It has touched me more than you'll ever know.


    1. Thanks for commenting Rachael. You have inspired me to write a post and you should definitely read the book. It put a lot of things in perspective for me. And I'm so happy you have a 'net'. It's times like these that we need to be able to just fall and know that someone else can catch us and carry us through. You will stand again soon.
