You know when you think you are so clever (or lucky) and got away with something, only to find out later that this, in fact, is not true....Well this reality is mine and it has completely spoiled my mood and my motivation for the day.
I started out my day with a nice cup of coffee...I needed it to get me going. Weird how I managed without it for the last 32 years of my life. Huh...... Anyways, got my work out gear on, got Landon ready to go and we were out the door. Of course on my way out the door he tells me he has to go to the restroom...Well he says he has to "go poop" and I can't ignore that. So we go back inside, sit on the potty and.......Nothing. (sigh) Grab the bag again, my water and the keys and I'm at the gym in no time flat. I have been going to the gym pretty much every day during the week. I think I did miss last Wednesday due to pure laziness in the morning and a baseball schedule conflict in the evening but Thursday I managed to drag my entire family out to the track with me so I could go run. You know...good family time. They play, I run. Whatever - it made me feel less guilty. Plus, they had fun. And I ran...I ran the entire 3.25 miles. So Hannah...Kriss...if your reading this, I'm ready to sign up for those 5ks we mentioned at Easter.
After my workout this morning my plan was to go pay my ticket I got for not having insurance on my person, come home and hit the laundry hard. But when I went to go get my ticket "dismissed" this is what I hear instead - "Okay ma'am the insurance portion of your ticket has been dismissed, the cell phone portion will be 254..." fading off..Ummm, Say what???? Noooooooooooooooo!!! But I thought Mr. Saginaw police officer spared me this time. I thought he said I could just take care of the insurance part of the ticket and get dismissed and I needed to pay more attention. Wait???? Maybe he did say all that and I just completely misunderstood him. Either way - damn it!!! Total karate chop to the jugular. Total FAIL.
I swear, It Is Always Something.
Saving money, paying off debt and BAM - A/C goes out.
Budgeted for a perfect Spring Break vacation down to the penny and BAM - Tire is flat and you are told you need at least two more new ones.
Saving money, ready to get the kids some summer clothes - BAM - New doctor bill for Jackson's damn allergy shots.
It Is Always Something.
But - It could always be worse.
Yesterday I had two completely different conversations with my kids. Obviously, this isn't an abnormal thing but the spectrum of the two conversations had me giggling because my answer to both of them were the exact same.
Ella - "Mom, where are sharks weeners and butts?" - Ummmmmmm???
Jackson - "Mom, I don't want to grow up, because when I do you will die and I don't want you to die." - Ummmmmmm???
Obviously, I didn't leave Jackson hanging tears, with a scared, broken heart but I also couldn't make Jackson any promises. I hate that I can't take that pain from him. That I can't say in all honesty, "Well it will be a long time before I get to be with God." Because that isn't the truth is it. The scary truth, that we all know but forget because our lives are so busy, is that we don't even know if we get tomorrow. But that's not something I want to make a reality for my 10 year old. Not right now anyways. Is that a mistake though? To not be honest about death. I sort of figured it out as I went along. The older I got, the more people I lost or the more I heard about death the more I figured out. When I was young, my great grandpa died and so I figured you only died when you were really old. And then I got a little older and my uncle passed away, and I thought, okay you die when you are old and when you are sick. And then, at 21, my dad passed away at 45 years of age, all of the sudden, while driving his truck down the road. Weeks earlier he had a physical done and was found to be in good health. So then I realized - the rules are all out the window. You die when God decides it's your time. Although, at the time I'm sure I didn't quite phrase it like that. It takes years of making peace with something to be able to accept it in those terms. But it's the truth. And my Jackson worries about so much as it is. So much. Too much. I just couldn't do it.
Ella's question about the shark privates was much easier to answer. "underneath the tail and towards the back." She accepted it without hesitation. I have no idea if this is correct or not. With most things, if I don't know the answer I generally google it to give my kids the correct information. I didn't really feel like googling, 'Shark Penis and Butts'. Maybe tomorrow when I'm feeling a little more adventurous and less deflated.
What I ran my 5k to last week -
Started with....
Handlebars - Flobots (good song to start off with)
Written in the Stars - Tinie Tempah
We are Young - FUN
Lose Yourself - Eminem (always good for running)
The Motto - Drake
Dance Erotic - Marz
We Found Love - Rihanna
Glad You Came - The Wanted
Like a G6 - Far East Movement
Remember the Name - Fort Minor (best song in all the universe to end on)
I have to be forgetting a few because I'm a slow runner. Either way, they all keep me going. It's a good feeling. In spite all of that, I still weigh exactly the same. Not a good feeling.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Free Mini Photo Session Giveaway
One last thing.. Seriously's a free photo session...Free...If you need help or don't remember what that word means, look it up.
*If you have already done the steps below you don't have to do them again!!!! You have done your part and thanks for doing so. It means a lot!!
doing a Giveaway...because I can. Because I want to and because I know
an awesome photographer who wants to with me.
Here is what you will win:
One FREE Mini Session taken by Color Me Happy Photography
can go to the above link to check out her Portfolio. You can choose any
kind of mini session you want - Family, Grand kids, Kids, Pets, name it - she does it all!!
Here are the Rules: Pay Attention People!!
- What I really want is for you to comment on this post. I want you to comment and tell me which photo session you are really wanting (you can change your mind later) and I want you to leave me a comment and tell me what you look forward to most this summer. That's 2 comments Peeps. You get that...On this post. Now a lot of you text me, leave me a comment on FB, email me, call tell me that you can't comment on my page.
Try harder.But if you can't. Then leave the comment under the link on FB. - Okay the 2nd thing you have to do is become a follower of my blog. I have 10 whole followers now - I know who you are. Seriously - all you have to do is follow me. That's not so it?? I can think of worse things to have to do. (obviously if you already follow me you can omit this step)
- Third - you need to go here and like the Color Me Happy Photography Facebook page.
- Last - (What is this too much?? - suck it up - It may be "costing" you time but that's it and totally worth it) After you have liked the Color Me Happy Photography FB - leave a comment on that page that says - "Amy sent me"
P.S. There has to be at least 10 entries - so send my blog link to your friends. Do it!!!!- I think I have seven so far...maybe 6......almost there!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Pina Colada is my favorite - for obvious reasons.
Well here I sit...Chewing on my Tropical Starburst. I believe to any fly on the wall or any other creature that has a view of me (human or insect) I probably look like a cow chewing grass. A lot of grass. Either way, maybe this is why when my husband came home last night with three packs for me (yes, i know..I'm spoiled) and I suggested we should each chew them and then make out at the same time he gave me this look of disgust. Kinda of like he was looking at a cow...chewing on grass. A lot of grass. At any rate - we didn't do it. But we still shared them. Pina Colada is my favorite - for obvious reasons. I'm a lush.
So if you haven't figured it out yet - I have nothing of value to say today. But that's okay, right? I don't always have to have some deep, meaningful post for it to be worthy of posting. Although, don't get me wrong...when I am feeling deep and meaningful, it helps tremendously to get it out there but it also feels good to not have something weighing heavy on my mind. The only thing that is making me crazy right now is that I can hear my two year old in his room jumping up and down on his bed crying, "mommy". I HATE when he doesn't nap. But for all selfish reasons. Just so we are clear. Strictly selfish reasons. Sue me.
Also - my unfinished kitchen. I know I said it was going to be a slow process but seriously. This is like molasses. It's been over a month and all "we" have done is taken the wall paper off (which is no easy task) and then some other stuff with some spackle or something ...on one small portion of the wall. I just want some color in that stupid kitchen. I hate that kitchen. And by "we" I mean my husband. I just sit back and judge the lack of progress. Sue me.
So one of my new favorite songs is "Somebody that I Use to Know" by I don't even know...Nobody that I Use to Know...(hahahhaaha -sorry) Anyways, it doesn't matter who sings it because I downloaded a different version. I can't stop listening to it. Judge all you want to but I'm a GLEEK. (this does not stand for Glee Geek btw it stands for Glee Freak) I'm proud of this self given title..and when they sang that song on the show last week I watched it like 47 times and then went straight to downloading it on ITunes. It's just spectacular. Yes, I said...SPECTACULAR. And I don't take it back either. Sue me.
I just got done reading Mockingjay. Again. It's the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. The thing is I just read it and finished it a few months ago. Maybe a little longer. I couldn't help it. I watched the Hunger Games again with my husband and had to read the two books following. And, more than likely, I will read them again. The only reason, other than the obvious, and the obvious is that they are a SPECTACULAR read, that I think I felt like I had to read them again is because movies don't do the books justice. Or the characters or the emotions. I feel like those characters are apart of this world because they are in a book. Not on some big screen And they feel the same feelings we all feel. It makes it more real. The movies take away from that. So my point...movies suck and I read a lot this weekend. And Monday. And Tuesday. Sue me.
I have a paci habit to break, a crib to convert into a toddler bed and potty training to seriously start. I'm not sure which one to do first. They are all pretty overwhelming to a 2 year old. Although, I get the potty training is slow and he pretty much will call the shots there but I have to start somewhere. I don't want him to be my toddler, I want him to be my baby, for....EEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEEEEER!! But we all know that isn't happening.
I also have sheets to wash, kids to pick up from school, homework to do before a baseball game tonight and dinner to start so I guess my time is up. Bummer - I had so much more unimportant things to say too. Until next time...
One last thing.. Seriously's a free photo session...Free...If you need help or don't remember what that word means, look it up.
*If you have already done the steps below you don't have to do them again!!!! You have done your part and thanks for doing so. It means a lot!!
P.S. There has to be at least 10 entries - so send my blog link to your friends. Do it!!!!
So if you haven't figured it out yet - I have nothing of value to say today. But that's okay, right? I don't always have to have some deep, meaningful post for it to be worthy of posting. Although, don't get me wrong...when I am feeling deep and meaningful, it helps tremendously to get it out there but it also feels good to not have something weighing heavy on my mind. The only thing that is making me crazy right now is that I can hear my two year old in his room jumping up and down on his bed crying, "mommy". I HATE when he doesn't nap. But for all selfish reasons. Just so we are clear. Strictly selfish reasons. Sue me.
Also - my unfinished kitchen. I know I said it was going to be a slow process but seriously. This is like molasses. It's been over a month and all "we" have done is taken the wall paper off (which is no easy task) and then some other stuff with some spackle or something ...on one small portion of the wall. I just want some color in that stupid kitchen. I hate that kitchen. And by "we" I mean my husband. I just sit back and judge the lack of progress. Sue me.
So one of my new favorite songs is "Somebody that I Use to Know" by I don't even know...Nobody that I Use to Know...(hahahhaaha -sorry) Anyways, it doesn't matter who sings it because I downloaded a different version. I can't stop listening to it. Judge all you want to but I'm a GLEEK. (this does not stand for Glee Geek btw it stands for Glee Freak) I'm proud of this self given title..and when they sang that song on the show last week I watched it like 47 times and then went straight to downloading it on ITunes. It's just spectacular. Yes, I said...SPECTACULAR. And I don't take it back either. Sue me.
I just got done reading Mockingjay. Again. It's the third book in the Hunger Games trilogy. The thing is I just read it and finished it a few months ago. Maybe a little longer. I couldn't help it. I watched the Hunger Games again with my husband and had to read the two books following. And, more than likely, I will read them again. The only reason, other than the obvious, and the obvious is that they are a SPECTACULAR read, that I think I felt like I had to read them again is because movies don't do the books justice. Or the characters or the emotions. I feel like those characters are apart of this world because they are in a book. Not on some big screen And they feel the same feelings we all feel. It makes it more real. The movies take away from that. So my point...movies suck and I read a lot this weekend. And Monday. And Tuesday. Sue me.
I have a paci habit to break, a crib to convert into a toddler bed and potty training to seriously start. I'm not sure which one to do first. They are all pretty overwhelming to a 2 year old. Although, I get the potty training is slow and he pretty much will call the shots there but I have to start somewhere. I don't want him to be my toddler, I want him to be my baby, for....EEEEEEEEEEEVEEEEEEEEEEEER!! But we all know that isn't happening.
I also have sheets to wash, kids to pick up from school, homework to do before a baseball game tonight and dinner to start so I guess my time is up. Bummer - I had so much more unimportant things to say too. Until next time...
One last thing.. Seriously's a free photo session...Free...If you need help or don't remember what that word means, look it up.
*If you have already done the steps below you don't have to do them again!!!! You have done your part and thanks for doing so. It means a lot!!
doing a Giveaway...because I can. Because I want to and because I know
an awesome photographer who wants to with me.
Here is what you will win:
One FREE Mini Session taken by Color Me Happy Photography
can go to the above link to check out her Portfolio. You can choose any
kind of mini session you want - Family, Grand kids, Kids, Pets, name it - she does it all!!
Here are the Rules: Pay Attention People!!
- What I really want is for you to comment on this post. I want you to comment and tell me which photo session you are really wanting (you can change your mind later) and I want you to leave me a comment and tell me what you look forward to most this summer. That's 2 comments Peeps. You get that...On this post. Now a lot of you text me, leave me a comment on FB, email me, call tell me that you can't comment on my page.
Try harder.But if you can't. Then leave the comment under the link on FB. - Okay the 2nd thing you have to do is become a follower of my blog. I have 10 whole followers now - I know who you are. Seriously - all you have to do is follow me. That's not so it?? I can think of worse things to have to do. (obviously if you already follow me you can omit this step)
- Third - you need to go here and like the Color Me Happy Photography Facebook page.
- Last - (What is this too much?? - suck it up - It may be "costing" you time but that's it and totally worth it) After you have liked the Color Me Happy Photography FB - leave a comment on that page that says - "Amy sent me"
P.S. There has to be at least 10 entries - so send my blog link to your friends. Do it!!!!
Monday, April 16, 2012
Not so INSIGNIFICANT and a Giveaway!!
My week was FULL.
My week was FULL. : )
Our week started with a trip to the doctor. Is he wheezing or rattling?? Seriously, I have no idea nice nurse lady trying to help me. No idea. He's definitely, no, he's definitely wheezing...okay screw it...better safe than sorry.
Landon has bad allergies. This time they triggered a little asthma. Nothing big. Under control now. He takes his treatments like a champ. Oh and by the way, he was WHEEZING. Also, I would like for you to meet Peanut Butter Po - The Panda Bear.
My week included a funeral. I'm not going to go into detail about that funeral, it's not my place. But I will say that I'm glad I went. I can't say for certain that I brought comfort to anybody there but I could feel Gods presence all around. He undoubtedly gave me the peace I needed. I hope he comforted the family the way he comforted me. My hope is that they felt His presence as strongly as I did. I hope they continue to feel Him and His comfort.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. - John 14:27
That day did have me reflecting on my life. Thankful for so many things. Reminded me of things that I already knew but had forgotten. Mostly, it made me thankful. I am thankful that it wasn't me going through it. I have been there, I have grieved for the loss of my father. I am still standing. I still experience joy every day. I hope I can be a glimmer of hope. I'm thankful that I can be here for her now. For anyone that has to go through this. I am thankful for that. I am thankful for my mother. My sister. My beautiful family. My healthy, beautiful family. My friends. My husband. My life. I dealt with asthma...she dealt with loss. I'm thankful for perspective.
Somewhere in there my husband I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We have been together for almost 7 years. I can't believe it's been 7 years. There are so many things that happened in our lives up until we met. So many, small, unnoticeable, insignificant things that led us up to that day. That led us to here. I can't help but think that if none of them or even one of those "not so insignificant" moments didn't happen in our life - where would we be. But I'm not sure you could convince me we still wouldn't be in this beautiful place we are in now. I just can't fathom God having any other plan for me than Jacob. What a perfect plan it is turning out to be.
P.S. There has to be at least 10 entries - so send my blog link to your friends. Do it!!!!
I was trying to sum up last week/weekend and I had so many different emotions used to describe it, too many...but most of them began with full. Full of empathy, full of hope, full of tears, full of screaming, full of anger, full of peace, full of happiness, full of love, full of laughter, full of accomplishment, full of life.
My week was FULL. : )
Our week started with a trip to the doctor. Is he wheezing or rattling?? Seriously, I have no idea nice nurse lady trying to help me. No idea. He's definitely, no, he's definitely wheezing...okay screw it...better safe than sorry.
Landon has bad allergies. This time they triggered a little asthma. Nothing big. Under control now. He takes his treatments like a champ. Oh and by the way, he was WHEEZING. Also, I would like for you to meet Peanut Butter Po - The Panda Bear.
My week included a funeral. I'm not going to go into detail about that funeral, it's not my place. But I will say that I'm glad I went. I can't say for certain that I brought comfort to anybody there but I could feel Gods presence all around. He undoubtedly gave me the peace I needed. I hope he comforted the family the way he comforted me. My hope is that they felt His presence as strongly as I did. I hope they continue to feel Him and His comfort.
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. - John 14:27
That day did have me reflecting on my life. Thankful for so many things. Reminded me of things that I already knew but had forgotten. Mostly, it made me thankful. I am thankful that it wasn't me going through it. I have been there, I have grieved for the loss of my father. I am still standing. I still experience joy every day. I hope I can be a glimmer of hope. I'm thankful that I can be here for her now. For anyone that has to go through this. I am thankful for that. I am thankful for my mother. My sister. My beautiful family. My healthy, beautiful family. My friends. My husband. My life. I dealt with asthma...she dealt with loss. I'm thankful for perspective.
Somewhere in there my husband I celebrated our 4 year anniversary. We have been together for almost 7 years. I can't believe it's been 7 years. There are so many things that happened in our lives up until we met. So many, small, unnoticeable, insignificant things that led us up to that day. That led us to here. I can't help but think that if none of them or even one of those "not so insignificant" moments didn't happen in our life - where would we be. But I'm not sure you could convince me we still wouldn't be in this beautiful place we are in now. I just can't fathom God having any other plan for me than Jacob. What a perfect plan it is turning out to be.
Let's see, we had a smashed nose from baseball practice - If I would have been there I probably would have overreacted and taken him to the hospital. But no broken bones. Just a - swollen, bruised up, kinda bloody, the ball left a nice mark - injury. I got two surprise coffees from my husband this week. (those are the best, the ones I don't even ask for) I'm pretty sure he also surprised me with my new fave ice drink from SB's - Passion Tea. Well played, Sir. Well played. And we had our first sno cone of the season. Waited in line for like 45 minutes at a new place because our normal sno cone shack was abandoned in our time of need but I gotta say - one of the best Sno Cones I have ever had. Bahama Mama baby!! Had down time with the storm, Had some Grammy and Poppy time and some Nana time. Played outside and watched movies in. And my hubby and I went to see a movie together. I cannot remember the last time we saw a movie just him and I. I may have been pregnant with Landon. Landon is 2 1/2. You do the math.
We saw Hunger Games (yes I already saw it) And no joke, on the way home he started asking me questions that I couldn't answer very accurately about what happens next. So what did I do? Well, naturally, what anyone who had already read all three books would do....I went home and started reading Book 2 again - Catching Fire. I finished it yesterday. BUT - I also finished like 4 loads of laundry. So take that!!
My week was FULL.
And I LOVED every bit of it.
Who doesn't people....and if you say you don't then...I say, Well I say something not very nice. And I'm a nice person. Most of the time. So I'm just not going to go there. You can't make me.
I digress.
Anyways....I'm doing a Giveaway...because I can. Because I want to and because I know an awesome photographer who wants to with me.
Here is what you will win:
One FREE Mini Session taken by Color Me Happy Photography
You can go to the above link to check out her Portfolio. You can choose any kind of mini session you want - Family, Grand kids, Kids, Pets, name it - she does it all!!
Here are the Rules: Pay Attention People!!
- What I really want is for you to comment on this post. I want you to comment and tell me which photo session you are really wanting (you can change your mind later) and I want you to leave me a comment and tell me what you look forward to most this summer. That's 2 comments Peeps. You get that...On this post. Now a lot of you text me, leave me a comment on FB, email me, call tell me that you can't comment on my page.
Try harder.But if you can't. Then leave the comment under the link on FB. - Okay the 2nd thing you have to do is become a follower of my blog. I have 10 whole followers now - I know who you are. Seriously - all you have to do is follow me. That's not so it?? I can think of worse things to have to do. (obviously if you already follow me you can omit this step)
- Third - you need to go here and like the Color Me Happy Photography Facebook page.
- Last - (What is this too much?? - suck it up - It may be "costing" you time but that's it and totally worth it) After you have liked the Color Me Happy Photography FB - leave a comment on that page that says - "Amy sent me"
P.S. There has to be at least 10 entries - so send my blog link to your friends. Do it!!!!
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Dear God...I want to be COMFORT...
So I'm not quite sure I want to post this. I'm not quite sure how I or my words will be perceived. I'm also not quite sure if I care. I am quite sure, however, that I want to write about it. Maybe just for myself, maybe not just for myself. I'm a little scared.
You see another reason why I didn't get to that Monday Giveaway was because we had a sad tragedy happen over the weekend. Well.."we" didn't but my friend did. She lost her dad on Saturday night. And it's sad. And he was sick and I know he wanted to go but it doesn't change how sad it is. And how surreal I'm sure it feels to her. And I can't stop thinking about how she must be feeling. Mostly because I am feeling sad for myself. Does that make me a horrible person? Perhaps. I lost my dad when I was 21 years old. Suddenly, and without warning. And it was sad. And it was surreal. And I know how my friend feels. I know how it feels to lose something you don't want to lose. To lose a man that is one of the most important in your life. To lose that person permanently. To not be able to pick up the phone and call him for directions. To not have him walk you down the aisle when you get married. To not ever meet your kids. And then I get angry...when I think about my kids not knowing him I get angry. I get angry at GOD all over again. Which sucks, because I made my peace with his death years ago. As much as you can make peace when you lose someone. I did, I made my peace. I accepted "Everything happens for a reason". But like my friend Allison said, It's easier to accept that if we just knew the reason. The thing is, God could tell me right now what his reason was and it wouldn't be good enough. Because I feel like my kids got the crap end of the deal. Don't get me wrong, my mother is amazing. Best Nana in the world. Ever present in their life. And my kids know it. They know how much she loves them. I think my mothers love for them exceeds the love of a grandma and a grandpa together. Exceeds it by far. But as I got older my dad veered towards the friendly relationship with me. There were a lot of reasons for that, mostly guilt on his part I am sure. But I can't help but think how that would have transcended into his relationship with my kids, my niece and nephews. Our kids would have thought "Grandpa" was cool!! In reality I have no idea what kind of dad or grandpa he would have continued to be. But because this is my reality now, I guess I'm sort of free to make that up as I go. That's the ironic part - the more I make up of how it "would have been" or "could have been" the more sad it makes me. Anyways, my point to all of this is that when someone...a aquantance...even a stranger loses someone too always brings me back to this hole in my heart. In my life. It always makes me think about my loss...and this time it makes me feel selfish. So...this is my prayer...
Dear God,
I need your strength more than ever these next few days. I need to have the courage to not be sorrowful in my own pain and be brave for my friend. I need to stand on my own two feet with my arms open wide and my tears be nothing more than for her pain and loss. I can't continue to wrap my arms around my self and cry. I feel like I am in a "club" of sorts. The kind where only someone who has lost a parent or a sibling knows about or is apart of. That if none of us have anything else in common we know we share this. And it gives us comfort knowing that someone really does know how we feel and can relate. You brought me that comfort at my dad's funeral when you sent David and Ryan. And it is the same reason why you spoke to my heart so loudly to be there when Allison and Meredith lost Johnnie. God, I feel bad for crying so much for my own loss since hearing about my friends. And if this makes me a selfish person, please forgive me. I don't want to be selfish anymore. I want to be comfort. I want to be brave like your son was when he died for us. I want to show my friend that one day...the pain won't sting as much. That the memories and that people get you through this. I love you.
You see another reason why I didn't get to that Monday Giveaway was because we had a sad tragedy happen over the weekend. Well.."we" didn't but my friend did. She lost her dad on Saturday night. And it's sad. And he was sick and I know he wanted to go but it doesn't change how sad it is. And how surreal I'm sure it feels to her. And I can't stop thinking about how she must be feeling. Mostly because I am feeling sad for myself. Does that make me a horrible person? Perhaps. I lost my dad when I was 21 years old. Suddenly, and without warning. And it was sad. And it was surreal. And I know how my friend feels. I know how it feels to lose something you don't want to lose. To lose a man that is one of the most important in your life. To lose that person permanently. To not be able to pick up the phone and call him for directions. To not have him walk you down the aisle when you get married. To not ever meet your kids. And then I get angry...when I think about my kids not knowing him I get angry. I get angry at GOD all over again. Which sucks, because I made my peace with his death years ago. As much as you can make peace when you lose someone. I did, I made my peace. I accepted "Everything happens for a reason". But like my friend Allison said, It's easier to accept that if we just knew the reason. The thing is, God could tell me right now what his reason was and it wouldn't be good enough. Because I feel like my kids got the crap end of the deal. Don't get me wrong, my mother is amazing. Best Nana in the world. Ever present in their life. And my kids know it. They know how much she loves them. I think my mothers love for them exceeds the love of a grandma and a grandpa together. Exceeds it by far. But as I got older my dad veered towards the friendly relationship with me. There were a lot of reasons for that, mostly guilt on his part I am sure. But I can't help but think how that would have transcended into his relationship with my kids, my niece and nephews. Our kids would have thought "Grandpa" was cool!! In reality I have no idea what kind of dad or grandpa he would have continued to be. But because this is my reality now, I guess I'm sort of free to make that up as I go. That's the ironic part - the more I make up of how it "would have been" or "could have been" the more sad it makes me. Anyways, my point to all of this is that when someone...a aquantance...even a stranger loses someone too always brings me back to this hole in my heart. In my life. It always makes me think about my loss...and this time it makes me feel selfish. So...this is my prayer...
Dear God,
I need your strength more than ever these next few days. I need to have the courage to not be sorrowful in my own pain and be brave for my friend. I need to stand on my own two feet with my arms open wide and my tears be nothing more than for her pain and loss. I can't continue to wrap my arms around my self and cry. I feel like I am in a "club" of sorts. The kind where only someone who has lost a parent or a sibling knows about or is apart of. That if none of us have anything else in common we know we share this. And it gives us comfort knowing that someone really does know how we feel and can relate. You brought me that comfort at my dad's funeral when you sent David and Ryan. And it is the same reason why you spoke to my heart so loudly to be there when Allison and Meredith lost Johnnie. God, I feel bad for crying so much for my own loss since hearing about my friends. And if this makes me a selfish person, please forgive me. I don't want to be selfish anymore. I want to be comfort. I want to be brave like your son was when he died for us. I want to show my friend that one day...the pain won't sting as much. That the memories and that people get you through this. I love you.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Liar, Liar...Pants on FIRE!!
Okay so I'm a big, fat LIAR. But, to my defense, I had no idea this weekend was going to entail so much time and so much energy. And. So. Much. FUN! So before I get into that fun, I'm sorry that I don't have a Give Away to tell all "10 of you" about today. Next Monday I promise. Maybe. I can tell you that it is going to be a good one. I can tell you that it involves pictures. Pictures of you, you and your hubby, your boyfriend, your dog, your kids, just your kids, just your dogs...whatever your little heart desires. So if your interested, guess that means you have to stay tuned for another whole week. It could be worse. ; ) Suck it up.
So my weekend started out with a Friday night at Baja for a friends Birthday..and can I just tell you....good drinks, great food, great company, great dancing and one tired momma on Saturday morning. One sleep deprived, I can't drink enough H2O, exhausted Momma!!
But we headed out Saturday morning to the Easter Egg hunt at our church. Face painting, free hot dogs and chips and sno cones, bounce houses and of course CANDY. I am not joking when I say that this year our Easter looked like a Halloween. I have not seen this much CANDY in a long time. This is not good for me...okay people...not good at all. I like CANDY. A LOT. From there we went to Jackson's baseball game. Jackson was exhausted but quickly perked up when he found out he was going to go see the Hunger Games with his cousin and his Nana. We went home, got ready to go to our next hunt. Glow in the Dark kinda hunt. It was so much fun too. We all went over to a friends house. Her and her hubby cooked fajitas for us, everyone brought some sort of fixin's and we had a lot of kids there. Like a plethora of children. Little ones and big ones. And guess what...more CANDY. Oh and only some of the eggs glowed. This was a trial and error hunt this year but we will be sure to get it right next time. First off, don't buy your eggs and glow in the dark bracelets...the day of. Seriously. Don't do that. When you do buy the eggs, you need to get the jumbo kind. That way you can fit the bracelets and the candy in the eggs together. The kids loved it...we loved it...And I hope that we can do it every year and start a fun tradition for our kids. Also, I hope Steph and Chris Post live there forever, the park and the baseball fields were perfect!! Haha!!
Aaaaanywaaaaays...Speaking of my friend Steph (you know earlier, before I went off on a small rant about my SIL)...she posted some baseball bracelets that she made for her son and his dad on Instagram last night. I love them!! I have already asked her to make one for Jackson...and me Steph..make one for me too!!! I just thought I would share them with you in case any of you wanted one now that the Rangers and Baseball season is in full "swing". (pun intended) If you want to make them yourself you can find instructions on how to do so on Pinterest. Or go directly here.
I am too lazy so Steph is making them for me. Because she's freaking awesome...They are $5 per bracelet. If anyone is interested leave me a comment on here or on FB or if you know Steph just contact her.
And Easter Sunday came and went. My kids looked beautiful. They got some cool stuff from EB himself and we finally settled into our nightly routine. I loved this weekend. It was full of lots of laughs, lots of good chaos, I think I even got a nap in at some point, and lots of new memories were made. I love weekends when I have the kids and we get to spend it with my friends/family and their kids. It makes for a perfect, balanced weekend. The best kind.
So my weekend started out with a Friday night at Baja for a friends Birthday..and can I just tell you....good drinks, great food, great company, great dancing and one tired momma on Saturday morning. One sleep deprived, I can't drink enough H2O, exhausted Momma!!
Look at Landon's pretty much says it all... |
But we headed out Saturday morning to the Easter Egg hunt at our church. Face painting, free hot dogs and chips and sno cones, bounce houses and of course CANDY. I am not joking when I say that this year our Easter looked like a Halloween. I have not seen this much CANDY in a long time. This is not good for me...okay people...not good at all. I like CANDY. A LOT. From there we went to Jackson's baseball game. Jackson was exhausted but quickly perked up when he found out he was going to go see the Hunger Games with his cousin and his Nana. We went home, got ready to go to our next hunt. Glow in the Dark kinda hunt. It was so much fun too. We all went over to a friends house. Her and her hubby cooked fajitas for us, everyone brought some sort of fixin's and we had a lot of kids there. Like a plethora of children. Little ones and big ones. And guess what...more CANDY. Oh and only some of the eggs glowed. This was a trial and error hunt this year but we will be sure to get it right next time. First off, don't buy your eggs and glow in the dark bracelets...the day of. Seriously. Don't do that. When you do buy the eggs, you need to get the jumbo kind. That way you can fit the bracelets and the candy in the eggs together. The kids loved it...we loved it...And I hope that we can do it every year and start a fun tradition for our kids. Also, I hope Steph and Chris Post live there forever, the park and the baseball fields were perfect!! Haha!!
Aaaaanywaaaaays...Speaking of my friend Steph (you know earlier, before I went off on a small rant about my SIL)...she posted some baseball bracelets that she made for her son and his dad on Instagram last night. I love them!! I have already asked her to make one for Jackson...and me Steph..make one for me too!!! I just thought I would share them with you in case any of you wanted one now that the Rangers and Baseball season is in full "swing". (pun intended) If you want to make them yourself you can find instructions on how to do so on Pinterest. Or go directly here.
I am too lazy so Steph is making them for me. Because she's freaking awesome...They are $5 per bracelet. If anyone is interested leave me a comment on here or on FB or if you know Steph just contact her.
And Easter Sunday came and went. My kids looked beautiful. They got some cool stuff from EB himself and we finally settled into our nightly routine. I loved this weekend. It was full of lots of laughs, lots of good chaos, I think I even got a nap in at some point, and lots of new memories were made. I love weekends when I have the kids and we get to spend it with my friends/family and their kids. It makes for a perfect, balanced weekend. The best kind.
Not sure why there is a orange hue to my picture but one of my most faves of the weekend. |
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Your Hair Is Everywhere...
So I don't normally do back to back posts but I figured you probably are wanting more of me sooner than what I am giving you. Right?? Totally joking but seriously...did you hear about the woman who thinks that we all do want more of her?? Like she's too pretty and it's a hard knock life for her. seriously...did you see her? I'm going to post this story and then her picture and then well, I'm going to leave it at that. Because...I won't have to say much more. And because I am a Christian and we Christians don't judge....; ) Like ever.
In a totally "unrelated" topic - I just swallowed my own vomit.
Okay so I'm going to give a shout out to my hair do'er lady...Erin Butcher. Whom I a lot. She rocks my hair every time I go see her. The last time I went and saw her she had her hair all did...and I told her how much I was loving it!! Sooo...she fixed my hair for curled it. But it wasn't a curl so much as a wave. Which is exactly what I have been wanting to do to my hair. I wear my hair one of three ways normally. Down with my kinda sorta bangs growing out pinned to the left. All up and in a ponytail bun thing a ma bob. (it's a it) or in some sort of braid. So for Erin to "wave" my hair and it stay that way through a night out, sleep and a full next day of doing who knows what..I was impressed. Needless to say, I went and bought this "Magic Wand" immediately..along with the small bottle of "Miracles" that she used. (otherwise known as a texturizer spray something or other) If you are like me and like to curl your hair on occasion but the damn curls never matter what...then you have to get this tool. No, like leave right now and go get it...It's Amazing!! I got the Iron at Sally's...1" barrel I believe and I got the spray at Ulta. The spray is kinda pricey but it is the key to unlock the potential that is...beachy wavey I'm gonna stay all dayeeee hair...Did you like that??
Okay so I know you people, whomever you may be, read this blog and my posts. I know this because my blog tells me so...uhhh huuuuh...sure even gives me a graph. Isn't that so very nice of it to do that for me?? And I know it's more than my 10 adorning fans that follow me.. So..for you peeps that do read my stuff...that is usually about nothing...I want to say thank you and tell you to keep a look out for my post on Monday. I'm doing my first Give Away and Imma thinkin you might like it!!!
Peace in the Middle East,
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Deep Thoughts
Okay well not so much "Deep Thoughts" as "Random Ramblings" but Deep Thoughts was a catchier title. Is that how you spell "catchier" that doesn't even look right...and now that I have said it like five times in my that even a word?? My mind is playing tricks on me...
Soooo I kinda can't believe that I didn't write about this the moment that I did it but I totally played kickball with the neighborhood kids in our cul-de-sac. Yep, I did. I'm so cool. And it was so fun. My hubby played with us too. We had the kick ball, the bases...I don't recommend playing in flip flops though. I'm positive that if I had my cool kicks on and Jacob had shoes on, that we would not have been beaten so badly. Positive. It's official - we are the "cool" parents on the block. Finally. ; )
Do you watch the Voice? I watch the Voice. I love the Voice. Really, I do. Love it. But it also makes me sad. It's the damn back stories - and being introduced to these performers families. Tear. Makes me sad when they don't get to move on. There is enough recording contracts out there for everybody. Why can't everybody win...Why oh why?? And then, as they get farther along in the competition I began to feel sad for the judges. (mainly Blake Shelton) They get so attached and then they have to start picking and choosing and that's not fair...Tear. Jackson was home sick one day and started watching it. Early in the comp., battle rounds I believe, and he came down crying hysterically. He could not handle that one guy beat another guy. He could not handle that someone had to lose. And he also could not handle how humble the loser of the competition was. I think that made it worse for Jackson. Jackson couldn't watch it any farther. Jackson is 9 years old. I love the Voice. Really, I do.
I WORK OUT!! - That was me singing. But I do work out. I don't run as much as I did before. I have come to realize that I want to be a runner. But I don't think it's possible. Not because I can't do it. I actually think I would be an amazing runner. (Toot Toot) But I don't want to be a treadmill runner. And a treadmill runner is my only option. And I can't really get into it on a treadmill. It's not the same as running down a hill or with a cool breeze blowing against your sweaty body...Nope not the same. But I WORK OUT!!! I do classes and OH MY BLT (Butt, Legs, Tummy) class last week just about killed me. We went outside and did this long stretch of "lunging forward and lifting our back legs straight in the air while we leaned over with a weight" thingy...we did a few sets of these...I have not been that sore...EVER. My walk for the next several days wasn't pretty. Can I just say is a great feeling getting a work out done in the morning. I love that by 10 a.m. I am already drenched in sweat. My legs feel like jello. My abs are burning a bit. My hair is a mess and wet. My face is red. Red looks good on me. It's nice to feel so accomplished by lunch time. It always increases the chances of me finishing a load of laundry all the way through. (wash, dry, fold, put away)
Several years ago I went on a girls weekend. It was the first and only time I have ever done that. I wish I could remember where we went. It was a small town in Texas. I went with my friend Allison, Kristi and Allison's sister Meredith. We stayed in these little log cabins. We got massages. We went shopping in town at these little boutiques. I got my most favorite pair of earrings there. Well, they are my favorite pair because they have memories attached to them but whatever...I love them. We went to eat at new restaurants in town. I still remember the taco salad I had at some small Mexican restaurant. Best Taco Salad I have had to date. I loved that weekend get away. I want to do that again. I can only think of 4 people that would do this with me...But 4 is all a girl needs for a girls weekend. I'll drive!!! I want to get a new favorite pair of earrings.
Other things I want: another baseball game to get ready for....thanks fatness on my body for not allowing a single pair of shorts to fit me...and thanks pasty white skin for making me feel uncomfortable in anything without sleeves. I love Summer!! I think I'm going to skip around the rest of the day because I love summer and the required clothing that comes with it!
With Love,
Soooo I kinda can't believe that I didn't write about this the moment that I did it but I totally played kickball with the neighborhood kids in our cul-de-sac. Yep, I did. I'm so cool. And it was so fun. My hubby played with us too. We had the kick ball, the bases...I don't recommend playing in flip flops though. I'm positive that if I had my cool kicks on and Jacob had shoes on, that we would not have been beaten so badly. Positive. It's official - we are the "cool" parents on the block. Finally. ; )
Do you watch the Voice? I watch the Voice. I love the Voice. Really, I do. Love it. But it also makes me sad. It's the damn back stories - and being introduced to these performers families. Tear. Makes me sad when they don't get to move on. There is enough recording contracts out there for everybody. Why can't everybody win...Why oh why?? And then, as they get farther along in the competition I began to feel sad for the judges. (mainly Blake Shelton) They get so attached and then they have to start picking and choosing and that's not fair...Tear. Jackson was home sick one day and started watching it. Early in the comp., battle rounds I believe, and he came down crying hysterically. He could not handle that one guy beat another guy. He could not handle that someone had to lose. And he also could not handle how humble the loser of the competition was. I think that made it worse for Jackson. Jackson couldn't watch it any farther. Jackson is 9 years old. I love the Voice. Really, I do.
I WORK OUT!! - That was me singing. But I do work out. I don't run as much as I did before. I have come to realize that I want to be a runner. But I don't think it's possible. Not because I can't do it. I actually think I would be an amazing runner. (Toot Toot) But I don't want to be a treadmill runner. And a treadmill runner is my only option. And I can't really get into it on a treadmill. It's not the same as running down a hill or with a cool breeze blowing against your sweaty body...Nope not the same. But I WORK OUT!!! I do classes and OH MY BLT (Butt, Legs, Tummy) class last week just about killed me. We went outside and did this long stretch of "lunging forward and lifting our back legs straight in the air while we leaned over with a weight" thingy...we did a few sets of these...I have not been that sore...EVER. My walk for the next several days wasn't pretty. Can I just say is a great feeling getting a work out done in the morning. I love that by 10 a.m. I am already drenched in sweat. My legs feel like jello. My abs are burning a bit. My hair is a mess and wet. My face is red. Red looks good on me. It's nice to feel so accomplished by lunch time. It always increases the chances of me finishing a load of laundry all the way through. (wash, dry, fold, put away)
Several years ago I went on a girls weekend. It was the first and only time I have ever done that. I wish I could remember where we went. It was a small town in Texas. I went with my friend Allison, Kristi and Allison's sister Meredith. We stayed in these little log cabins. We got massages. We went shopping in town at these little boutiques. I got my most favorite pair of earrings there. Well, they are my favorite pair because they have memories attached to them but whatever...I love them. We went to eat at new restaurants in town. I still remember the taco salad I had at some small Mexican restaurant. Best Taco Salad I have had to date. I loved that weekend get away. I want to do that again. I can only think of 4 people that would do this with me...But 4 is all a girl needs for a girls weekend. I'll drive!!! I want to get a new favorite pair of earrings.
Other things I want:
Ummm...freaking cute right?!?! I love these. I want all of them!! But I will take these three and be happy. : ) | another baseball game to get ready for....thanks fatness on my body for not allowing a single pair of shorts to fit me...and thanks pasty white skin for making me feel uncomfortable in anything without sleeves. I love Summer!! I think I'm going to skip around the rest of the day because I love summer and the required clothing that comes with it!
With Love,
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